
External Quality Assurance

EQA allows for remote monitoring of IQA's by your awarding organisations.

To access the web based EQA application you must be subscribed to Athena ePortfolio, it's needed so that the uploaded and mapped evidence can be evaluated by your EQA.

Providing remote access to the EQA application from the unique url assigned to your organisation, is much more convenient for your awarding organisations and saves you time and money!

From within Athena MIS you create an EQA user account for each representative of your awarding organisations.

It's then a simple process to assign ONLY the required learners to the EQA for viewing and once the EQA process is complete access to the learners can be removed for data protection purposes.

No more tracking down evidence, zipping files, emailing back and forth! Another process streamlined!

EQA Application - Group View EQA Application - Group View
EQA Application - Learner Evidence EQA Application - Learner Evidence
EQA Application - Assessment Methods & Criteria EQA Application - Assessment Methods & Criteria