Latest Framework Withdrawals!
I'm writing this quick post in case you haven't picked up on the latest list of frameworks to be withdrawn.
Batch 5 was announced on Wednesday 13th September along with the following documents:
- Apprenticeship framework delivery list
- Information about the withdrawal of apprenticeship frameworks
- List of frameworks for feedback (batch 5)
Here is a list of frameworks with a withdrawal date that have been confirmed by the issuing authority:
Bus and Coach Engineering and Maintenance - 31/12/2017 - People 1st
Care Leadership and Management - 29/12/2017- Skills for Care
Catering and Professional Chefs - 31-Dec-17 / 30-Apr-18 - People 1st
Funeral Operations and Services - 30/04/2018
Health - Allied Health Profession Support - 29/12/2017- Skills for Health
Health and Social Care - 29/12/2017 - Skills for Care
Hospitality - 31/12/2017 - People 1st
Licensed Hospitality - 30/04/2018 - People 1st
Retail - 31/12/2017 - People 1st
Travel Services - 30/04/2018 - People 1st
This means that no one will be able to start an apprenticeship on any of the above frameworks after their withdrawal date.
All new apprenticeships after these dates will start on the appropriate Standards which replace these frameworks.
Framework Withdrawal Consultation
The ESFA have opened a survey for your feedback on the batch 5 withdrawals.
The consultation period starts from Wednesday 13th September to 6pm on Wednesday 18th October 2017.
Check out what's on the list and have your say!
"We will announce the outcome of the 4th batch that we consulted on earlier this year at the same time as the outcome of the 5th batch. The frameworks we plan to withdraw from both batches will be withdrawn to new starts no earlier than 1 January 2019."
5th Consultation on Apprenticeship Funding Opens!
FEWeek have just published news regarding the DFE's launch of the 5th consultation survey, calling for feedback from employers and providers regarding the apprenticeship reforms.
Have your say and complete the Apprenticeships Funding Policy Survey and here's a link to the full article on FE Week.