A nail biting time has been had by all eagerly awaiting the second release of the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers.
A great big congratulations for those who've made it!
The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers is now made up of:
• 220 Employer Providers
• 1678 Main Providers
• 317 Supporting Providers
A total of 2216 successful applicants.
The article in FE Week is an interesting read and covers the current situation with some good news for 'major player' who are successful this time around.
Like most of you I'm pretty confused over how the ESFA have made some of their acceptance decisions and there most certainly should be an appeals process!
I've managed to catch Nick Linford's Q&A webinars over the past few weeks and from some of the questions asked it seems there is still so much uncertainty around the sector with regard to ESFA's funding rules and regulations, ever the optimist I'm sure all will become clear when the general election is out of the way.
What Does it Mean to be Accepted on the RoATP?
Essentially it means you are one of a specialist group training providers who can deliver apprenticeship training either in a main, supporting or employer provider role.
Simply put, if you're not accepted on RoATP then you can't deliver apprenticeship training to anyone!
FE Week's article covers the shocking impact training providers face due to the ESFA pausing contract allocations to non levy paying employers until January 2018.
In light of the ESFA's decision, previous lead providers and successful applicants as a main provider on RoATP, will have had their previous contract extended and can also of course deliver to levy paying employers.
If you have been accepted on RoATP as a main provider, but had previously been a subcontractor, then it means that you can ONLY deliver new start apprenticeship training to levy paying employers unless your previous lead providers can offer you a further contract.
Unfortunately it seems many don't have this luxury and most previous subcontractors face tough times ahead.
Points to Note:
• Only those accepted on the RoATP can deliver apprenticeship training.
• Levy tax can only be used for apprenticeship training.
• Employ a new apprentice or up skill existing staff.
• Apprenticeship duration – minimum 1 year.
• 20% ‘off the job’ training.
• ESFA approved Framework or standard (only if approved for delivery).
• Ofqual regulated qualifications only.
• Must be registered with Ofqual regulated awarding organisation.
• In scope for Ofsted inspections.
• Main provider on RoATP – can only deliver to levy paying employers
unless has a direct contract with ESFA.
• Monthly ILR submissions to ESFA & data management.
• Must adhere to all ESFA funding rules.
• Matrix Standard.
• Must include functional skills maths & English (unless exempt).
• Safeguarding & prevent duty policies and procedures in place.
New to Funded Training?
At the moment those who have never delivered any government funded provision can ONLY deliver apprenticeship training to levy paying employers.
If you are new to government funded provision you will find that there is a vast amount of information to wade through, plus ESFA rules and regulations to adhere to, before you can start delivering apprenticeship training.
The apprenticeship reform is taking it's toll on training providers who are well versed in ESFA contracts and delivery so those new to the system could very well be swamped!
ILR & Data Management
The new ILR specification rules from May 1st are really quite daunting and it has taken us a great deal of time to factor these changes into Athena MIS.
The ESFA are allowing a period of 3 months to get to grips with ILR submissions so it's really important to get up to speed with all the rules and regulations.
The first document below is of vital importance and explains these requirements in detail.
• Guidance for returning apprenticeships on the ILR from 1 May 2017: version 2
• ILR specification 2016 to 2017: version 3 (30 September 2016)
• Provider support manual - guide to making ILR data returns during the 2016 to 2017 funding year: version 3
Funding Rules
There is a new Technical Funding Rules document which covers apprenticeship starts as of May 1st 2017:
• Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017
This runs in conjunction with the following funding rules documentation:
• Apprenticeship funding in England from May 2017
This will of course be updated as of August 1st when the 2017-2018 funding rules will take over!
"The rules that will apply to all apprenticeship provision funded by the SFA following the introduction of the apprenticeship levy."
• ILR specification 2017 to 2018: version 1
• Apprenticeship funding: rules for employer-providers
• Apprenticeship funding and performance-management rules for training providers
• Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018: summary of changes.
I'm in the process of creating a 5 part blog looking at the Impact of Apprenticeship Levy on Commercial Training Providers, covering everything from;
• applying to the RoATP
• Ofqual regulated qualifications
• ILR and Data management
• Ofsted requirements
• ESFA funding rules and regulations.
Part one is now posted in Cleverblogs on our website.
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