PCDL - Learning Provider List
I stumbled across this by accident and figured I'd share the details in case you haven't seen it.
What is PCDL?
PCDL stands for Professional and Career Development Loans and according to page 4 of the Requirements for Inclusion document:
1. The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) administers Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDL).
2. This document sets out the requirements for inclusion on the PCDL Learning Provider List (LP List). Learning providers
must read and ensure they have understood these requirements prior to applying for inclusion.
3. Please note that we are referring here to a specific administrative list of learning providers looking to support learners
choosing to use a PCDL and not the more mainstream ESFA Registers known as ‘The Register of Training Organisations
(RoTO) and The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).
Open for Applications!
The PDCL is now open for applications with the following deadlines:
• Professional and Career Development Loans will close to new borrowers on 24 March 2019.
• The final date to apply for inclusion on the PCDL training provider list or register a new course will be 30 November 2018.
• The final date for learners to submit applications to The Co-operative Bank will be 25 January 2019.
PCDL Requirements for Inclusion
There is quite a list of requirements on pages 6 & 7 of the Professional and Career Development Loans Learning Provider List -
Requirements for Inclusion which includes:
1. Provide information about your organisation
2. Supply names and contact details of the learners who have approached them.
3. Provider should have a trading history of at least one year.
4. Credit check through Experian to give the ESFA assurances about a learning provider’s financial viability.
5. Companies House check to give the ESFA assurances about a learning provider’s trading status and history.
6. Non-limited companies must also supply an accountant’s letter.
7. Confirm on Form A that their business is not reliant on PCDL for funding.
8. Registration must be from the learning provider that is actually delivering the learning and receiving the course fees.
9. Publicly-funded UK learning providers and similar overseas organisations should contact the ESFA direct as some aspects of the requirements may not be required.
10. The learning provider must not make reference to a ‘cash-back element’/’job guarantees’/’refunded course fees’ or any other item that could be interpreted as an inducement to learners to study with them.
11. All learning providers must supply:
• Learning Agreement
• Refund Policy
• Complaints Policy