RoATP Reapplication Process Started!
First Round of Providers Notified
The ESFA's new style RoATP reopened in December followed by the first wave of providers to be invited to reapply.
Those providers on the register who are not yet delivering apprenticships will be given top priority and be included in this first round.
It's looking like this process is going to be very tough and providers MUST reapply during their specified time frame (approximately one month) or will be removed from the RoATP by 31st March 2019.
However, they will be able to reapply in the future.
“If your application is unsuccessful, ESFA will remove you from the RoATP and you will be unable to take on any new apprentices.”
Read the latest update in FEWeek.
RoATP Recap
On November 26th the ESFA announced new details of the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers redesign and a date of December 12th for RoATP to re-open.
The RoATP will be a tougher prospect for those wanting to become a lead provider and will also be a huge change for the many subcontractors who deliver less than 100K of apprenticeship delivery.
The new rules are highlighted in FE Week's article - ESFA scraps £100k threshold, forcing all subcontractors onto the apprenticeships register.
Points to Note:
1. Providers must prove they have actively traded for 12 months.
2. Provide a full set of accounts.
3. No 100K limit! - All subcontractors to be registered by August 2019.
4. Must reapply in timeframe or be removed by 31st March 2019.
5. RoATP is open all year round.
7. Only 2 applications permitted per year.
8. Possible provider earnings limits being considered.
9. All existing providers on the RoATP to go through the new process!!
10. The ESFA will invite providers to re-apply - phase 1 in progress.
“Our new RoATP application process ensures that only those that can stand up to our tough quality assurance entry requirements can access government funds to deliver apprenticeship training. We are also being tougher on subcontractors entering the market, to ensure a focus on quality training and mitigate risk to government funds.”
Watch this space for further updates!